Thursday, May 19, 2011

World Religions and Cults

Our latest conference focused on World Religions and Cults and was a great success in terms of attendance, interest and fellowship. Fernando Perez did the teaching with the help of a couple of videos. The favorite subject of all was Spiritism which was no surprise as witchcraft pervades every aspect of the lives of the great majority of the mountain peoples. Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who have to battle against demonic forces at every turn.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Video and Drama Classes

We're always searching for new and effective ways to help our Zapotec friends learn and apply God's Word to their lives. Our latest project will be to make a short film based on a passage from the Bible. The plan is to bring together a team of Zapotec Christians and teach them the basics in movie-making and script writing. The most significant learning will be when they take a Bible story and adapt it into their own culture. Please pray with us that God will give us success in teaching how to interpret the Bible as well as having a finished product that can be used for evangelism and teaching.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pastor Asisclo to re-establish Mission in Guatalupe

Good news! While Fernando and I were ministering in a couple of villages, we received two invitations. The first is to participate with Pastor Asisclo and his congregation to do an outreach in Guadalupe. There used to be a church where Christians gathered in Guadalupe but for many years it has empty and the group of believers has diminished. Lately Pastor Asisclo has been visiting Guadalupe in an effort to re-establish the work of the Church there and the up-coming outreach in September will be a part of that. The second invitation is to attend a two-day regional meeting of churches. We look forward to the opportunity to network with many pastors that have been outside our reach due to their remoteness and plan to distribute our training materials and Bibles for new believers. Thanks always for your priceless prayers!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Missionary Conference

We are back in Oaxaca after visiting family for Christmas. Upon returning I attended a missionary conference where for three days indigenous pastors and leaders were given the opportunity to share their perspective of the ministry to the indigenous peoples. Eye-opening and sometimes painful to hear, but extremely valuable for those of us dedicated to the growth and development of the indigenous church. The things we learned there will help us to be more effective in training and equipping pastors in the mountains. This week I will be meeting with a pastor from the very remote Mixe village of Coatlan to plan our next series of conferences. Your prayers are appreciated!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan 2010 Update on our online Conference School

 Director Garett Jackson and family only recently returned from the states where they spent the Holidays. Said they came back to no electricity or water. Three days to get back on. 

He told me today, "Right now I'm at the COMIMEX conference where I'll be promoting the pastors conferences and giving out some discs.  I'm planning on going to Culiacan for 2 weeks in Feburary.

COMIMEX is a gathering of leaders who work with ministering to indigenous peoples. A great group. Garett will be able to share with individual pastors who have no way of going to a Bible School for training.  Culiacan is where many indigenous groups go  to harvest crops. Garett not only can help with ministering to those who have never heard the gospel but also work to let pastors also know about our online school.

Please be in prayer for him and also the president of Agape Missions who will also be in Culican.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Waking Up To Jesus

The coffee cherries are quickly turning red signaling the arrival of another harvest. Meanwhile Armando has been busy working in the Lord's vineyard, or coffee plantation if you will. Using what he has learned from the Pastor's Conferences, Armando has begun a weekend devotional that is broadcast to the whole town of Lachiguiri every Saturday and Sunday at 5 a.m. What's the name of the program? Waking Up To Jesus! The thirty minute devotional is presented in Spanish and in Zapoteco and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Many people of the village struggling to find hope and meaning in their lives look forward to Armando's messages of living for Jesus Christ. Some who do not speak Spanish have been moved to tears hearing about God's love in their mother tongue. We recently gave an mp3 player to Armando loaded with the Audio Bible. Armando's first idea was to include it in the program!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Joel Goes to Spain

The ministry is a work done as a team. Without a team, there is not much ministry. One member of our teams has been Joel Hernández, in charge of recording the conferences. He makes us sound good. This month we say good-bye to our brother and his family as they depart for Spain to serve as missionaries to the Islamic world. We are very proud of our brother in the Lord and we commit ourselves to supporting him and his wife and their three children in prayer. They are a testimony to others of what the Lord can do. May God bless them in every way!