Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Conference Rescheduled

We were getting ready for another Pastor's Conference in Lachiguiri this week when several unexpected circumstances came our way: First, my grandma passed away and I thought I would be going to Arizona to be with family. The bad: we all miss her and her fiery spirit that made her so much fun. The good: she is no longer suffering and is now with Jesus, the lover and savior of her soul. Second, the suburban that we use for ministry in the mountains broke down. The bad: there was zero oil in transfer case for many months. The good: by a miracle there was no apparent damage. The mechanic put in the oil and everything seems to be working just fine. And last, a storm poured rain and thoroughly soaked everything. The bad: the rain makes the mountain roads dangerous and sometimes unpassable. The good: it's already drying out and we've already rescheduled the conference for next week.

Conference Dates for July

Classes have been rescheduled for Thursday through Saturday, the 9th, 10th and 11th of July. Virginia's baby is due on the 24th of July.

I see a huge tropical storm headed toward our part of Oaxaca on the satellite internet site so pray it stays away from our area as when that kind of storm hits Lachiguiri one can't get in or out of the village. So help us pray.

Here is a clip from last years attempt to reach Lachiguiri.

h="445" heigh