Thursday, July 16, 2009

Remembering Tito

Tito, one of our students, recently went home to be with Father. He and wife were some of our most eager students, hungry for the things of the Lord. Years ago, doctors had given Tito only a few weeks to live but God saw fit to extend the years of life. Even though Tito was often uncomfortable and in pain, he never complained. We will miss his quiet, sweet, steadfast spirit. His wife Graciela continues to attend the conferences and participate in the work of God.

"He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living..." Mark 12:27

We went but...

We've returned from Lachiguiri. But because we had to change the dates of the conference twice and because of some other factors, like rain which impedes the movement of people and information in the mountains, nobody was able to make it. In fact, a group of pastors had come from several hours away the week before, oops! This is a good example of why we do everything we can rather than change dates. However, our Christian brothers asked if we could reschedule the conference so we are planning to return soon. So while we were in Lachiguiri, Fernando and I went into the studio for a couple of days to record the conference. In the evenings we visited people in town encouraging them and praying for them.