Monday, August 17, 2009

Flats and Floods

My recent trip to the mountains was, among other things, to plan our next conference for the pastors of Loma Esperanza, a village that is starting to grow in the Gospel once again. But once I arrived in Lachiguiri the priorities began to change. I found that Sheri's house there had been flooded by a broken water in the kitchen that was made worse because the outside valve was broken also. When it rains, it pours! Needless to say there was lots of work to be done, fixing the plumbing, cleaning the house and washing rugs and piles of clothes. Even so I was still hoping to continue on into the mountains even if I had to extend the trip. The next day I discovered that the car had not one but two flat tires. When it rains it pours! I rejoiced when the neighbors told me that Lachiguiri now has a shop that fixes flat tires so I wasted no time in procuring their services. The first flat got fixed lickety-split but the second proved more difficult. In fact, it proved impossible. In the end the tools broke, the tire was further damaged, and all we could do was put the spare tire on in it's place. But that meant I wouldn't be able to go to Loma Esperanza several hours away on roads where you better have a spare tire. I was feeling like Paul when he was hindered from going to Thessalonica by Satan. Since I couldn't go to Loma Esperanza I finished cleaning up the house and did some other repairs with the help of our friends there in Lachiguiri as well do some visiting and praying for people. Best of all was being able to see Israel and Virginia's new baby girl. So precious! And so the trip ended with blessings and also an unforgettable reminder why we pray: because God wants to reach all the mountain villages with the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ and because Satan doesn't.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

MP3 Players

We just received a couple of mp3 players from our friend Bill that he pre-loaded with the Bible in audio in Spanish. Next we will load our courses for pastors on the mp3 players and distribute them to pastors in the mountains. We are really excited about the possibilities as new means of distributing our materials for pastors and leaders. If you have an old mp3 player lying around that needs a home, we could it put it to good use helping our indigenous pastor friends. If you're interested in donating an mp3 player please contact Sheri Burk at


A baby girl was born to Israel and Virginia on July 24, 2009 sometime early in the morning. The new baby and the mom are doing well. Congratulations to the proud parents as well the other siblings Veronica, Esteban, Ema, and Prisila.